
I was drawn to the Red City even before I knew it existed. The City emerged from deep below the moorings of reality. It shimmered like red meat. I could feel the blood of the city pulsing in my veins. RED CITY: The crossroads at the center of the universe; sanctuary for aliens, angels, and monsters. A place where Time collapses and worlds collide.


  1. leebalanarts

    I’ve entered another Zone — call it another Dimension if you like. Now I must find my way around without losing the basis for my existence (since that existence depended on a totally different set of reality based facts). Everything has changed and I squawk like a fish out of water.


  2. 4 Star hotels Paris

    A Very interesting article . Every time i check your blog i find a different perspective . In addtition , as a noob developer, i need to say that the structure of your site is amazing . Could you reply with the name of the template? .
    Thank you.


    • leebalanarts

      Hello – thanks for the comment. The name of the template I use is “connections” by Patricia Muller (one of the wordpress templates. I use my own artwork as the banner and other images).


  3. ????????? ???????????

    To begin with ,you have picked a really beautiful template . I think i might design something similar for a future website that i plan to build . In addition ,i honestly enjoy most of your posts and your unique point of view. Thanks


    • leebalanarts

      Hello – thanks for the comment. The name of the template I use is “connections” by Patricia Muller (one of the wordpress templates. I use my own artwork as the banner and other images).


  4. Phil Polizatto

    Absolutely fascinated with the “About” info! Your art is amazing and as previous people have said, your site is an eyeful (no pun intended)… just so much to absorb. Truly wonderful. Thank you.


  5. maxrandolph

    I endorse Phil’s comment about the “About” info. Has to be about the most thought provoking and creative self-summation I’ve ever read. Your background is too cool . . . Now I gotta get busy and read some more of these crazy stories! Ever consider making a book out of them?


  6. L.V. Sage

    Hello Lee! I believe that I am your first cousin once removed. My father is Bill Sage (Ann Balan’s son, Ben’s sister). We are fellow writers! I write historical fiction and, interestingly, my dad writes crime novels, so three writers in the family! Would love to meet some day! I loved your parents when I would see them at Ann and Dave’s in Torrance. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

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